Once upon a time I had the crazy notion to start and run a farmers market. I worked on it for 3 years and 2 full market seasons. I felt like a summertime carnie – it involved a lot of set up and take down of tents and running around…

Once upon a time I had the crazy notion to start and run a farmers market. I worked on it for 3 years and 2 full market seasons. I felt like a summertime carnie – it involved a lot of set up and take down of tents and running around…
Valentine’s Day is practically here. So it is only right that I talk about my crush. Actually, it may be beyond crush at this point. Let’s call it love with a capital L. Meyer Lemons are bright and fun and make my mouth water and give me butterflies in the…
Winter is a bit of my nemesis. My one consolation when the skies get dark and gloomy is citrus season. A little sunshine packaged neatly with some vitamin c and bright juice is a welcome counterbalance to the cold. Blood oranges are some of my favorites – they are sweet…
This past year was a wild ride. So wild in fact that I am still catching my breath! Here are a few of the adventures: I started writing about local food for Salt Lake Magazine‘s Farm to Table blog. You can find links to my 2015 articles HERE. Our recipes…
Persimmons became my food obsession last year. If you don’t believe me, just check out THIS recipe (or THIS one for that matter). This year, I couldn’t resist adding to my little collection. Most people fall into 3 Persimmon categories: Those that have no IDEA what a persimmon is and…
I tend toward food obsessions. I’ll go through a stage where I eat persimmons and nothing but. Or chiles. Or I go mad-scientist making shrubs. Since we are officially into fall, this will likely be my last semifreddo recipe for the year. I wanted to make it something special and…
I’ve said time and time again that I am not a baker. I have the hardest time sticking to a recipe and precision is a foreign concept to me when it comes to measuring things out. I do better with desserts that you can’t screw up if you really try…
A couple of months ago, I discovered the wonder that is Italian Semifreddo, and then I went crazy. It began popping up every time we’ve had someone over for dinner ever since. I made it with strawberries and with peaches … The only drawback? Greg couldn’t actually eat it. He…
This post originally appeared as a guest post on Love to Be in the Kitchen‘s Blog as she welcomed a new little one into her home. I loved it so much that I had to share it here (especially since I have been on a ricotta kick recently) Spring is…