Once a week, you’ll be getting some random thoughts straight from my brain to the page. It might be about restaurants we’ve tried, events we crashed … er… got invited to, travel tips, books we are reading (or want to read) or our plans to run away to New Zealand. Basically, it will be bits and bobs from here and there. Hope you enjoy!
Foraging Wild Food Class
This past week had been a fun one in the food adventure department for us. On Monday I started taking a Forging Wild Food class. Just for fun. Or because I am curious about random, random things. Or in case of the zombie apocalypse. Either/Or any combination of these.
Our class was taught by one Dan Potts – who is a bundle of energy. And by bundle I mean so far over the top that he could give many flying circus performers a run for their money – in the most charming way. He also sprinkled the class with phrases like ‘OH GOLLY GEE! YUM!’ and ‘MAN, OH MAN! I TELL YOU!’ (caps and exclamation points are deliberate)
On top of being a bundle of energy, Dan is also a wealth of knowledge. He was thorough and made me want to go live in the woods ‘My Side of the Mountain‘ style.
My first takeaway from the class was that I am a technical genius. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. The girl who can’t back up her computer managed to be the only one in a classroom of 20-ish that was able to get the projector to talk to the computer. I might quit my day job and go into computer something-or-other.
This particular class was all about foraging wild berries. There were lots of photos on slides of things you should and should most decidedly NOT eat. (I also got to be the girl the pushes the button to go to the next slide).
Here are my key takeaways:
1. White berries are BAD. It tried to come up with a little rhyme to help you remember, like ‘Berries of white, take flight’ or ‘White berries? You’ll end up berri-ed – you know, as in buried’ but they just sounded dumb or didn’t actually rhyme.
2. I discovered that my mother taught me more than I thought on those childhood hikes. She was one of those survivalist types in college who could go into the wilderness with a shoestring, pocket knife and some flint and make a living. Or at least not die. Kudos, Mom! I can recognize wild rose hips.
3. While you are at it, mostly stay away from red berries. Unless they are raspberry-ish looking. Or currant looking things. Or goji berry types. But really, mostly don’t eat them. Actually, come to think of it this portion was a little vague. I’ll have to study up and get back to you.
4. Some people are not actually allergic to poison ivy. I suggest you go find some and see. These things are important to know in end-of-the-world situations. I will stand back and watch since I AM allergic and found out the hard way.
Stay tuned for more breaking wild foraging updates. I hear we will be going of a field trip! I haven’t been on a field trip since … never mind.
PLEASE NOTE: I am taking applications for my end of the world zombie apocalypse team. I need a builder guy, herbalist person, someone that isn’t afraid to gut fish, a hunting type and probably a ham radio operator. Also, a candy maker would be nice. I clearly have the foraging wild food thing covered. If you’d like to be on my team, please respond in the comments below.
Green Drinks at Liberty Heights Fresh
This week we also went to the Salt Lake City Green Drinks event – it is a green/sustainable/environmental networking group that moves from location to location every month.
THIS month is happened to be hosted at Liberty Heights Fresh – which is one of my favorite specialty food shops in all of the Salty City. Come to me heirloom beans. You call my name duck bacon. Really, check them out.
We ran into some of our friends there too – John from Amour Spreads (seasonal, small-batch jam, anyone?) and had their ah-maze-ing tomato jam. Also spotted – the Creminelli Wild Boar Salami which is possibly my new best friend. We also met Giselle from a NEW company called Chili Beak. I have a jar of their roasted chili oil at home right this second. Finally, we ran into my new other best friend Dan. You know, Dan Potts (see above) and his lovely wife.

Just for fun – one of my Food Truck Rally pics from my day job as an event planner for Whole Foods Market. Since Chef is about a food truck and all…
Greg and I missed the chance to see the John Favreau film ‘Chef‘ in our local independent theater just down the street. So, we got it together (on a work night no less) to go see it at the dollar theater. Laughed and laughed and laughed. I work in the food industry and found it particularly relatable. If you haven’t seen it yet, do. Please do.
Good Things Utah Cooking Segment:
And lastly, as you may have gathered, I work for Whole Foods Market as a Store Marketer and Event Planner. They do not sponsor me or this page. Part of my day job is doing things like THIS on TV. This go around, I was invited by Xlear, Inc to feature their Xylitol. Check out the recipe in the link for Pumpkin Spice Latte Syrup
-Lydia, zombie apocalypse survivor
I love this so much! I am nor builder guy, herbalist person, I am not super fond of gutting a fish, I am sure I could learn to hunt, although I may cry a wee bit, and I don’t even know what a ham radio is, but I can make candy!!!
You are on the team! Glad to have you Jamie! -L
Come to think of it, I really don’t have any of those qualifies or skills. I’m good with a baseball bat though. I’m keep them off while y’all forage. ; )
Baseball bat handlers may just have their place in ‘Apocalyptia’ as I’ve decided to call it. -L