Smoothies are apparently the lifeblood of America in January. We all overindulged. We all went a little overboard and now our bodies are more than a little ticked at us.
A good, balanced smoothie has its place in my shaker bottle many mornings. I like to add raw beets or dried dates or fresh ginger to the mix. Cocoa nibs and flax seed have been known to make an appearance. Kale shows up, but only in baby form – the adult kale packs too much of a punch for my palate and overwhelms everything else. Celery is a perpetual favorite and cucumber and avocado show up in a regular rotation.
I recently ended up with fresh mangos and fresh turmeric at the same time, along with a spare blood orange and some pineapple and dates. Smoothies being a blend of whatever you have on hand, I decided to give all these guys a go. The result? Spicy/sweetness in a glass. I almost forgot to take photos it was so good.
Turmeric is known for boosting metabolism, helping with pain management, aiding digestion and regulating blood sugar levels. It made a good showing earlier this week in our Sautéed Greens with Fresh Turmeric and will likely show up again soon in a tea or tonic…. so heads up.
I prefer to use alternative milks to my smoothies. Greg is somewhat allergic to dairy and coconut milk or almond milk just tastes better for some reason

Fresh Turmeric has been linked to better digestion, blood sugar regulation, and pain management. Way to pack a punch little root
- 1 Mango, seeded and peeled
- 1 Knob Fresh Turmeric, peeled
- 1/2 cup Pineapple, chopped
- 2 Dates, seeded
- 1 Orange or Blood Orange, peeled
- 1 cup Alternative Milk - I used Unsweeted Coconut Milk, but Almond Milk would be just a good
- Put all the ingredients into a blender. Add the coconut milk and blend on high until smooth.
- Drink it right down and enjoy!
Lydia, smooth operator
Yum! Can’t wait to get my hands on some fresh turmeric…