I think everyone comes to their present relationship with food from different points and perspectives. That’s probably how it should be, otherwise, all food would be the same, and that would be a little boring. I love trying new things and experiences, as it adds so much more to life.
I can’t say our family was in to food. Our relationship with food was that it was a means to an end, at least that’s how I remember it. It was a method for getting us kids around the table and sharing our day with each other. I’m sure some of the meals we shared have followed me along all this time and I have modified some of them, and more than likely purged a handful of them as well.
I had a good friend and roommate in college that was more of a cook than I was, and I learned quite a bit of my cooking “style” from him. Once upon a time, I thought boiling water was enough to make a meal. Only now do I realize that it really is, depending on what you put in that water. But I think he was the one who really started me on my path to the pseudo foodie I have become. I even put in a garden in the back yard of the first house I bought. Now, Lydia and I container garden what we can, and shop at farmers markets for most of our produce. And with Lydia’s newly acquired skill as a wild forager, we should be set.
But because I am interested in things sometimes that aren’t food, there may be thoughts about that too. For example. Along with my interest in food, on more than just a foodist level, I’m interested in the nutritional aspects. And as I’m a bit of a geek, I like to know about some of this stuff on the molecular level. Don’t worry, I wont go into any of that here. I love all things outdoors, ok, most things. And I practice martial arts and have for the last ten years or so. Some of this stuff may find its way into my thoughts, and therefore these posts occasionally.
With that in mind, we had a busy and enjoyable week. Or, weekend mostly. Friday evening brought a storm to the valley that knocked the power out on several blocks in the downtown area, ours being one of those. Luckily for us, the block across the street was not one of those to lose power. And after growing tired of watching drivers not understand how to handle an intersection with the traffic lights out, we wandered around the corner to Even Stevens. It’s local sandwich shop that not only makes great sandwiches, but works for a great cause too. When you buy a sandwich from Even Stevens, they donate a sandwich to a local non profit. So not only did I get a fantastic Reuben, but I could feel good about it knowing I was helping out at the same time.

It was so good, it was half finished before we thought to take a picture. Waffle and Whiskey from Rye
It was my birthday this weekend and my mom drove 45 minutes to take Lydia and me to breakfast. We always have to try and expand my family’s eating experiences by trying something new. And as we hadn’t managed to get to Rye yet, even though it’s just around the corner, we wandered over there. The hanger steak and eggs were fantastic, but the Waffle and Whiskey Lydia got, with egg and pork belly of course, was simply amazing. Do yourself a favor, and go try it now.
Sunday night took us to the Pechakucha event held at Publik Coffee Roasters. Pechakucha was originally started in Tokyo and has spread to nearly 800 cities. The idea is to create an environment where people can come together and share ideas, about anything really. Each presenter gets roughly six and a half minutes to present 20 slides, in 20 seconds apiece. Some of the premier food “tastemakers” if you will, of Salt Lake City presented on many different topics. A great night of good food, three local food trucks, Chow Truck, Dotties Biscuit Barn and Better Burger Truck participated, and of course we had to have something from all three. Publik was serving single source coffee, and Squatters and Wasatch beers were provided by the Utah Brewer’s Cooperative.
Finally, we made it home to the birthday cake Lydia had made earlier in the day. Recipe to come. I think it was a good weekend. See you all next time